How Good Are AI-Powered Translations? Case Studies Website vs. Novel

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is being put to many beneficial uses, including translation. But how good are these AI-powered translations? Among the tools available are Deepl and ChatGPT. We sometimes used Deepl at the Embassy of Canada for translations from English to French and vice versa when our in-house translators were not available. While I write…

5 Reasons Why I Love (International) Copy Editing

Copy? You mean xeroxing? No. I mean a text that is used to advertise a product or service. This can be a brochure, a presentation, a website, or an actual advertisement (about which, in all honesty, I don’t know much). And when I say „international copy“, I mean copy that originated in one country but…

How to Prepare a Great Sales Presentation for the German B2B Market

During my time at the Canadian Embassy, I was often asked to comment on my clients‘ marketing materials. These were mainly sales presentations (slide decks), two-pagers and brochures that my clients were planning to use for their German market entry. By German standards, many of these materials were too long, too confusing or too vague,…