About Me

Hi, I’m Julia

I’m a Munich-based writing & editing specialist, project manager, blogger and seasoned traveller. I know a thing or two about the German market and about how to approach it.

With my experience and knowledge, I help small exporters make the right decisions about entering new markets. Once they are ready, I help them sort out their written materials.

I Believe That …

  • There’s often room for improvement, and in many cases it should be explored. Why settle for OK when you can have Great?
  • It’s not enough to have a great product. You must also talk about it, and you must have great marketing materials.
  • Even as the world grows closer together in many ways, intercultural differences remain and can break your (business) neck.
  • Correct spelling is important.
  • If you don’t enjoy reading, you just haven’t found the right story yet.
  • The devil is in the detail, and so is beauty.


How Can I Help You?

If you are an exporter interested in exploring the German market, let’s talk about your product, your strategy and your market opportunities.

Wondering if Germany is the right market for your product?

I’ll review and edit your marketing materials and other texts.

Coming to Germany and wondering how to get around?

Check Out My Blog:

My Background

Language has always been my forte. English and French came easily to me in school; English has been my working language for over 20 years. I picked up Spanish when I lived in Spain, but regrettably never got beyond beginner’s level.

I find writing easy and love improving the sound (and content!) of texts. Academic, business, commercial, let me have them all! I have written and edited English and German texts for years in a professional context: websites, brochures, marketing emails, reports, project bids, even a speech for an ambassador at one point. Since 2022, I have been proofreading manuscripts for a small publishing house.

A cultural historian by training, I have over 20 years‘ professional experience with a focus on project management and marketing. I have worked in the private and public sector, in international cooperation, software product management, business development, and event management. I also have almost seven years of economic development experience under my belt, working for the Canadian provinces of Alberta and Ontario as well as for the Canadian federal government (at the Munich consulate). My portfolio covered consumer goods and e-commerce.

I have lived, worked and studied in five countries: I was a foreign-exchange student in Utah/ US and an Erasmus student in Copenhagen/ Denmark, before work took me from Germany to Spain and the UK. I have been happily back in Munich since 2016. I still travel whenever I can. The photos on this page were all taken in Budapest.

Fun Facts About Me

I am frequently taken for an Irish person on account of my accent. I have never even been to Ireland, and I have no clue where I might have picked up an Irish accent.

I spent years thinking I should set up my own blog. Then I spontaneously signed up for an eight-week blog course and was online within 24 hours. Never looked back. Best decision of 2023.

I always thought I was a beach person, but then I moved to Spain, where I lived right near the beach – and realized how much I was missing the mountains.

I pride myself on my efficiency. I am also the least efficient person in the world when tidying up.

I am a firm disciple of the „Cake is a legitimate breakfast food“ school.

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