Market Access Pitfalls 9: Importing Goods

„Importing“ in this article refers to the process of bringing goods into Germany/ the EU. The process of moving goods across international borders was an aspect that I felt most of my clients did not understand very well. Some seemed to never have considered it at all, others thought it wouldn’t require any admin. „I’ll…

Market Access Pitfalls 7: Competitors

Don’t underestimate your competitors. Most of my clients did – within their industry in general, and for their specific product. „We have no competition anywhere,“ more than one told me proudly. A quick Google search would typically reveal plenty of competition, some already well-established in the market. In one case, it turned out there was…

Market Access Pitfalls 4: Pricing

Many of my former clients wanted to export to Germany because the market was large and wealthy. A wealthy market will not automatically support your pricing. Remember the German market is also extremely competitive and difficult to enter. Pricing therefore is definitely a factor. German Spending Habits Yes, Germans have money, but they are also…

Five Tips for How New Exporters Can Build New In-Market Contacts

Entering a foreign market can be a daunting task for a new exporter. Especially if your target market is on a different continent and you don’t speak the local language, there are many potential mistakes waiting to be made. A network of local contacts can further your understanding of the market and of operating conditions.…